Other Therapies
In addition to Play Therapy and Body Image, Sapphire
Cove Counseling offers Individual, Family, and Group Counseling services.
Individual Counseling
Individual Counseling is an option for someone who desires one-on-one services with a mental health professional to seek help with concerns in their life. Each person can have their own reasons for seeking counseling, which can include anxiety, anger, social skills, depression, stress, self-esteem, grief, family concerns, life changes, and many other concerns.
Counselors work with the individual to support the individual to meet their goals for healing and growth.
Individual counseling is suitable for all ages.
Family Counseling
Family Counseling focuses on providing families with an environment to address concerns within family dynamics, through improving communication and conflict resolution. Within family counseling, each family member is supported in building their advocacy for needs within the family to build a more cohesive dynamic.
Family Counseling is suitable for the entire family within the household, though understanding of children under age 3 may limit their involvement in the counseling process.
Group Counseling
Group Counseling is an option for several individuals to meet together regarding common concerns, facilitated with a mental health professional. This dynamic allows a reduced stress environment with openness and supportive feedback for those in the group.
Group Counseling is often offered with options for individual counseling to further the goals of the members of the group.
Group Counseling is suitable for school aged children and older.